The steel treadway M2 Bridge was a modular system that allowed the construction of bridges supported by boats or trestles to cross rivers or ditches.
Below is an excerpt from the manual:
Floating bridge
The bridge roadway consists of two continuous-action steel tread rails 12 feet in length, rigidly connected at each joint by two tread pins. The treads are supported by pneumatic pontoons spaced 12 feet apart from center.
The pontoons consist of saddles carried by pneumatic floats. Shore connections are made by resting the end treads on abutment sills on the banks or by using one or more trestle spans.
The type of shore connection used depends on how close to the banks the shore pontoons can be placed, the slope of the banks, and the load-bearing quality of the soil near the water's edge. Trestles require a solid foundation and considerable erection time and should be used only when shore supports for the end treads are not practicable.
Fixed bridges
Short-span fixed bridges using one or two sections of carriageway for each track and supported by abutments can be constructed without intermediate supports.
Without intermediate supports
Bridges employing three or more lengths of track for each track require trestles as intermediate supports to support the heaviest loads.
From reality to model…
A beautiful novelty that has finally filled a gap, enhanced by 3D technology, is the modular solution to develop the American M2 bridge. I speak of a modular solution because in HDModels they thought well to break down the various elements in order to be able to build the bridge of the desired length. Let's start by highlighting the high quality of each kit, which does nothing but confirm how exceptional we had seen in previous reviews. The resin is excellent, the pins are removed with extreme ease, the precision of the joints is high (try to dry attach the side grommets on the invitations of the cast dinghy!!!).
Having said that, let's analyze the four kits:

Steel Treadways bridge M2
This kit provides a pair of walkways with all the external attachments, handles, etc. The grille is something amazing that currently only 3D technology can replicate; multiple kits can be joined to extend the walkways

Trestles for Steel treadways Bridge M2
The kit contains a pair of trestles complete with accessories such as pulleys for pulling. They practically work as in reality, being able to establish the height of the horizontal bracket on which the walkways are placed. Also in this case, you can buy more kits according to the desired length

Pneumatic pontoon for Steel treadways Bridge M2
The dinghy is made up of 4 resin parts that make up the structure, embellished with all the 3D elements. Any comment is superfluous, we leave you with the photos. Here too, of course, more dinghies can be placed side by side.

Treadway wedges for Bridge M2
Finally we have the kit that contains the pair of ramps to go up and down the bridge